
Friday, December 14, 2012

Wicked Problem Project Final

Here is the link to my Presentation!: wicked_problem_project

As a world language teacher, many teachers face the problem of the most important component of language acquisition also being the weakest for their students. This component that I am talking about is speaking. In research from Georgia State University, 2/3 of students thought that speaking was the most important component of language acquisition, but only ½ felt comfortable to do so. The problem that teachers face is that students are not comfortable speaking in the target language with an authentic accent in front of their classmates.  Students cannot become fluent the language unless they are proficient at all components of language acquisition: speaking, reading writing and listening. The other problem is that the teacher does not have enough time in a 40 minute class period to individually ask each student to have a meaningful conversation that can be graded.
In order to solve this problem and maximize instruction time as well as increase oral proficiency, I have researched tools and found tools that allow teachers to create web-based assignments as well as submissions that students can make in the comfort of their own home. These tools allows for teachers to re-create conversation as well as give students an opportunity to speak more in the target language since many students only speak in the target language during class time. 
In order to implement this plan, I created a wikispace that served as a resource for teachers. I was able to share my wikispace with friends who went to school to become a language teacher as well as current world language teachers. On my wikispace, I identified the 7 resources that I used : Voicethread, Audio Dropbox, Conversations, Lingt Language, Vocaroo, Voki and Blabberize. I was able to create separate pages for each tool. I gave the teachers a brief description about the resource, how it could be used effectively in the world language classroom, provided an example of the tool being used as well as a start-up sheet on how to use the resource.  
I created a survey on survey monkey to infer about the success of my project. I asked teachers to answer questions about language acquisition, the resources that I shared with them and the components of my wikispace. All the teachers strongly agreed that the tools would make the students more comfortable speaking, which was one of the main goals of my project.
In regards to the TPACK model, I believe that the interaction of technology, pedagogy and content makes the solution to my problem promising because the technology is enhancing the content as well as creating a safe environment for students to be successful in. Students will better succeed in an environment that allows for them to feel safe to express themselves and think openly.  In relation to technology and pedagogy, the resources allow teachers to create authentic and meaningful speaking situations for the students that allow for personalized responses. In regards to the technology and pedagogy in my implementation, I was able to model for the teachers how to effectively create an assignment for students using the technology.  In relation to technology and content, the tools allow for the resources to increase the rigor by having students speak outside of the classroom, giving them a deeper understanding of the content. In regards to the teachers, the content becomes more accessible and the teachers can better understand more about selecting the proper technology for each goal by reading about the resource and viewing the start-up sheet.  In regards to pedagogy and content, students have multiple ways and tools to represent their knowledge and teachers have multiple meanings to give a speaking assignment. Through the tools students can take part in a simulated conversation with the teacher, create an avatar or photo that speaks using the students’ voices, submit an online assignment that uses oral responses or submit a recording of themselves. Teachers are able to select the resource that they would like to use based on the goals that they have.
If I were to complete this project again under the same circumstances, I would have asked the teachers to complete a Google doc as well. I would want the teachers to be able to give me opinions about each resource as well as ideas for how they would use it in their classrooms. I would also want to have the project be extended longer so that I could ask teachers to implement it into their lesson plans and help them to do so effectively. Overall, I think that my wikispace is a worthwhile resource to look into. The tools that I have found allow for teachers to grade each student on their oral proficiency, increase oral proficiency, create a safe environment for students to speak in, allow teachers and students to reflect on their oral progress, extend language use beyond the school setting and provide opportunity for personalization. The start-up sheets are a convenient resource that allow for all teachers to learn how to use each tool. In regards to what this project did for me for me, the wikispace helped to build a foundation of resources that I can share with my colleagues at my new long term sub job.

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