
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Evaluation of material in MERLOT

In MERLOT (Multimedia Education Resources for Learning and Online Teaching) I found and evaluated a simulation that I believe would be very useful for world language teachers.  It is titled “LangMedia Foreign Language Media Archive”, and it can be accessed via the URL of

Quality of Content:
The website contains information on culture and languages of different countries and regions of the world. There is information in the target language such as videos and audios that are authentic material. The information is significant to education because in the Spanish language there are 22 countries where their primary language is Spanish. There are many different dialects within these countries as well as different words for greetings and cultural sayings. These are addressed within the resources in authentic ways.
Potential Effectiveness as a Teaching-Learning Tool:
1.    What stage(s) in the learning process/cycle could the materials be used?
1.    Explanation: There are videos, audio files and pictures for many topics such as basic communications, culture and social life, necessities, shopping and services and transportation pertinent to different countries such as Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua and Spain.
2.    Demonstration: The website it mostly in English with authentic materials in Spanish such as pictures, videos and audio files. This website is a great resource to teach culture lessons and the differences in culture between the different countries.
3.    Practice: The website is very informational. Students can read about and see authentic materials about a variety of topics such as folk culture, art, greetings and food. The students are able to examine the similarities and the differences between the cultures even if they are not at an advanced level of the target language. The site has pictures of realia as well as videos and audio files that are authentic material.
4.    Applying: An example of a lesson would be to compare the greetings and the partings for 5 of the Spanish-speaking countries. The students could watch the videos of authentic interactions as well as read, in English, about the informalities and formalities of each country. The students could examine the similarities and differences between the cultures.
2.    What is (are) the learning objective(s)? What should students be able to do after successfully learning with the materials? After viewing the resources, the students should be able to identify that there are major differences between the countries for things such as greetings and partings, culture, art, entertainment and other topics. The students should be able to give examples for specific differences in the given countries.  
3.    What are the characteristics of the target learner(s) The characteristics of the target learners are Spanish students of any level. The students will be completing an activity that compares the differences in greetings and partings between different Spanish-speaking countries.
4.    Does the interactive/media-rich presentation of material improve faculty and students' abilities to teach and learn the materials? The media-rich presentation of the material improves the teacher’s abilities to teach because there is authentic material that is accessible to them and all of the students. The teacher is able to provide concrete examples that the students are able to view. The material improves the students’ abilities to learn because they are able to view and listen to authentic material in the target language.  
5.    Can the use of the software be readily integrated into current curriculum and pedagogy within the discipline? The information can easily be integrated into the curriculum. Culture is a large component in learning a new language. Spanish is a language that is spoken in many countries that are in different regions of the world. It is spoken on 4 different continents and there are different customs in each country. Advanced students will be able to listen to and read the material that is presented via pictures, audio files and videos in the target language. Beginner students are able to read about the culture in English and look at pictures.
6.    Can the software be used in a variety of ways to achieve teaching and learning goals? The software can be used in many ways such as reading the text in English, looking at the pictures, reading information from the pictures in Spanish from things such as sayings/proverbs, listening to the authentic audio files and watching the authentic videos. All of the components of learning a foreign language are being addressed except for speaking in the target language through the simulation.
7.    Are the teaching-learning goals easy to identify? The goals are easy to identify. The goal for the teacher is to present clear information that highlights the recognizable differences in culture between different Spanish-speaking countries and regions. The goal for the learners is to identify and acknowledge these differences while retaining interesting information and information about a subject such as greetings and partings.
8.    Can good learning assignments for using the software application be written easily? Excellent learning assignments can be created. If I were to use the information and material, I would create a WebQuest for the students to use to learn the material. I would ask them information about certain subjects such as food, greetings and partings, etc. I would also integrate information that I know and ask the students to find other interesting information on the web.
Ease of Use:
1.    Are the labels, buttons, menus, text, and general layout of the computer interface consistent and visually distinct?  Yes, the information is separated into language and country. The information is also sorted by country, where all of the information is combined into an index via another link. The information is clearly labeled and has a nice layout.
2.    Does the user get trapped in the material? No, the website is very navigable.                                            
3.    Can the user get lost easily in the material? If the user is not of the intermediate or advanced level of the language it may be difficult to understand and interpret the authentic material.  
4.    Does the module provide feedback about the system status and the user's responses?  No, there is no feedback because the material is not two-way interactive.
5.    Does the module provide appropriate flexibility in its use?  The simulation is very flexible and provides many types of media that the user can use.
6.    Does the learning material require a lot of documentation, technical support, and/or instruction for most students to successfully use the software?  The learning material does not require any technical support or software support.
7.    Does the material present information in ways that are familiar for students? Yes, the material is presented in a concrete way for the students, highlighting the differences in culture.
.    Does the material present information in ways that would be attractive to students? Yes, the material is useful for the students and it is presented in an attractive, meaningful way.

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